Anastacia-Reneé Tolbert, Harron Walker, Matt Ortile

Junk show

Summary: What’s up nutter butters!? Come tumble toward my humble new offering of Junk! This week we’ve got Anastacia-Reneé Tolbert, Harron Walker and Matt Ortile showing us how we can use Junk to commune with, communicate, and to construct much of the world around us. Anastacia-Reneé is a performer and poet, most recently of the collection (v.) by Gramma Press, Harron Walker is a contributing writer at Jezebel, and Matt Ortile is the outgoing global publishing lead for BuzzFeed International. Followed up of course with a mouthwatering reading from my long poem Junk. Brought to you by Tin House Books. Follow our Instagram to see each guest’s *ahem* junk every week @junkpodcast Anastacia-Reneé Tolbert, @AnastaciaRenee2 Harron Walker, @HarronWawker Matt Ortile, @ortile Tommy Pico, host @heyteebs Alexandra DiPalma, Producer @LSDiPalma Kenya Anderson, Production Assistant @kenya_digg_it