The Young IPA Podcast – Episode 71 with Matthew Lesh & Aaron Kwong

The Young IPA Podcast show

Summary: <p>This week James nad Pete talk Coles’ backflip then backflip from the backflip on plastic bags, the latest growth figures coming out of the US, Greenpeace’s ‘sting operation’ on the UK’s Institute for Economic Affairs and just how much Bernie Sanders’ healthcare plan will cost the US. We talk to IPA Research Fellow Matthew Lesh about how young people aren’t as left wing as The Conversation would have you believe, what it was like being in London during the Brexit storm a few weeks ago and what he thinks will come next (17:38-34:52). We also talk to Aaron Kwong who is with the IPA from the Lion Rock Institute Scholarship Program about the Program and why Hong Kong is no longer the free market powerhouse it used to be (34:56-47:11).</p> <audio class="wp-audio-shortcode" id="audio-8872-3" style="width: 100%;"><a href=""></a></audio> <p><strong>To download episode, right click and select download or save file <a href="">here</a></strong><strong>.</strong></p> <p><strong>View on iTunes <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">here</a></strong></p> <p><strong>View on Spotify <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">here</a></strong></p>