"Bad Lips, Mad Libs"

Hellbound with Halos show

Summary: Kevin finally lets Crystal know they are starting to record in this one... She's grateful of course. Kevin mentions how they are currently in the iTunes Top Charts, Top 10, which they are very grateful to their listeners and followers for. They ask, very politely of course, for a rating and review if iTunes is the platform you listen on, to help get them out to even more people. <br><br>In this episode doughnuts are the starting topic. They never know how they end up in some of these conversations but doughnuts was the beginning. Crystal's favorite donut is a "maple, while Kevin's is the "coconut" and Sully's is a plain powdered. Sully keeps things simple, if you didn't know already. Crystal has never heard of the Coconut Doughnut and Kevin offers to mail her one so she can taste the deliciousness. She said she'd look around and see if they had them in California and try one, otherwise, Kevin will mail her one from New York. Sully talks about how much he loves Fall and his "basic bitch" style while drinking his apple cider and wearing his skinny jeans with Uggs. It's always an interesting conversation with these three.<br><br>They move on to the California Wildfires and Crystal brings up a story about a Grandfather that ran out for an errand, only to come back home to his home engulfed in flames with his wife and two grandchildren still inside. Kevin offers prayers and thoughts from the Podcast to California during these fires because, as firefighters, they understand the complexities of wildland firefighting.<br><br>Remember Mad Libs? The crew tackles a few. Sully screws his all up. We wouldn't expect anything less. Crystal gets an English class refresher before hers starts, so she doesn't screw up.... Things obviously get pretty funny through this part.... You'll have to listen.<br><br>Closing out, Kevin mentions the new apparel coming out for Hellbound Nation and the Hellbound with Halos Podcast. It should be on the website in about 2 weeks, so he reminds listeners to watch for it. He also reminds them to go subscribe on the website <a href="http://www.hwhpodcast.com">www.hwhpodcast.com</a> to get discounts on everything they come out with. <br><br>Sponsored by K Bar Soap Co. and Woodburned Warriors.<br><a href="http://www.kbarsoapco.com">www.kbarsoapco.com</a> - Code "GGG10" for 10% off<br><a href="http://www.woodburnedwarriors.com">www.woodburnedwarriors.com</a> - Code "hellbound" for 15% off<br><br>Enjoy the episode!