MCU CosmicCast Episode 13: Thanos Cut Fake News, Spider-Man News, and Ant-Man and The Wasp

MCU CosmicCast show

Summary: <p>The thirteenth episode of the MCU CosmicCast is here, and it’s definitely been a week for fake MCU news to go viral on the internet. We’ll do a rundown of all the bogus stuff people were spreading around this week and cover everything else in this episode!</p> <ul> <li>The “End Game” title resurfaced for <em>Avengers 4</em> this week, despite the Russo brothers <a href="">specifically debunking</a> it months ago.</li> <li> A <a href="">fake <em>Captain Marvel</em> soundtrack leak</a> came out.</li> <li>There is <a href="">NO “Thanos Cut”</a> on the <em>Infinity War</em> Blu-Ray. </li> <li> <em>Spider-Man: Far From Home</em> <a href="">begins filming in the UK</a>, it’ll be <a href="">bigger than Homecoming</a>, and Kevin Feige confirms <a href="">Doctor Strange isn’t in it</a>.</li> <li> <a href="">Concept art for Thanos’ farm</a> in <em>Infinity War</em> came out this week and it may prove a theory correct.</li> <li>Peyton Reed’s <a href="">original idea for a <em>Fantastic Four</em> movie</a> was perfect.</li> <li>How <a href="">two words spoken in <em>Ant-Man and The Wasp</em></a> may confirm Avengers 4 rumors.</li> <li>A great listener question about the Marvel and Sony Spider-Man arrangement.</li> </ul> <p>Questions? Comments? Contact us at <a href=""></a> and we may answer your question on a future episode!</p>