Tabitha St. Bernard-Jacobs – Mom Journey – Monday

Moms Got This show

Summary: The challenges of being pregnant with a toddler, taking on The Women's March, not loving the baby stage, how a child can make you more empathetic, when your career grows after a baby, quitting grad school after two weeks to be a better mother, including your child in social justice, what mixed race parents mean for a child's identity, and prioritizing self-care to be better at work and a better mom. Designer Tabitha St. Bernard-Jacobs, co-founder of Tabii Just (a zero waste line of womenswear clothing made in NYC), co-founder of Livari, and Youth Director of The Women's March, shares her mom journey with hosts Stacy Igel and Michelle Park.<br> (Tabitha's Instagram: @tabithastb)<br> In this episode:<br> <br> How hard it is to be pregnant and have a toddler at the same time<br> How Tabitha got started in the Women’s March, and how it ended up being a bigger part of her life than she anticipated<br> Being part of organizing school walkouts nationally<br> The big role played by Tabitha's very supportive husband<br> Tabitha's three year-old son<br> Why Tabitha didn’t enjoy the baby stage as much, worried about her baby being very fragile<br> How her son helps her be more nurturing, empathetic<br> How Tabitha's career and activities have actually grown since becoming a mom<br> Motherhood was very tough in beginning, and so she applied to grad school right away<br> When Tabitha realized she had to prioritize family, and left grad school after two weeks<br> Working from the hospital while son was still under care after birth<br> Incorporating her son into her work life<br> Living lives as a family centered around social justice, but not just talking about it at home<br> Tabitha on taking her son with her on some marches<br> The implictions of a mixed race parents and what it means for her child’s identity<br> How Tabitha realized that when she is taking good care of herself, she is able to be a better mom<br> Prioitizing self care, scheduling gym time as a meeting<br> <br> To share your #MOMSGOTTHIS MOMENT just call 833-844-THIS-MOM (833-844-7666) and leave a voicemail with your first name and city along with your moment.