Undoctored: Why Health Care Has Failed You and How You Can Become Smarter Than Your Doctor with Dr. William Davis – #24

The FertilityHour show

Summary: “I’ve lost count of all the infertile women who have become moms (that followed the Wheat Belly lifestyle)." William Davis, MD His first book, Wheat Belly was a global phenomenon. Bombarded by media. Multiple guest appearances on The Dr. Oz show. It completely changed the paradigm and thus the conversation about health and nutrition. First touted as a diet to reverse and prevent heart disease soon found rabid fans showing pics of incredible changes to their face and bodies. “I look 20 years younger.” “My sex drive is back.” “I lost 35 pounds.” “I am pregnant.” The stories grew of total transformations. With Dr. Davis’ second book, Undoctored: Why Health Care Has Failed You and How You Can Become Smarter Than Your Doctor, the contents proved to be too controversial for mainstream media. Dr. Davis discusses the rapid dissemination of information and the creation of global communities of people sharing health information as the real advancement in healthcare. Millions of people are educating themselves like never before and getting really smart on how to truly take care of their bodies and minds. No longer willing to be hapless victims of a corrupt medical system where big pharma profits while millions become collateral damage of a system based on greed. We discuss the foundational ways in which we can truly take charge of our health. His message is eliminate wheat, grain and sugar while normalizing bowel flora, optimizing iodine and Omega 3 levels. This combination is turning around chronic, degenerative and life depleting diseases all over the world. One of the most impactful interviews on Fertility Hour. Please share it with all your loved ones and on social media.