Iodine Deficiency is A Major Barrier To Fertility with Rachel Arthur, ND – #25

The FertilityHour show

Summary: Iodine deficiency is a major barrier to fertility and increases risk of miscarriage 4 fold. Also decreases IQ, increases rates of ADHD and leads to poor pregnancy and delivery outcomes. We can agree that iodine is essential to health but what has become hotly debated is how does one assess if they are iodine deficient and what dosage is appropriate?   Rachel Arthur, ND discusses the overzealousness about iodine that is causing real issues for people. We can not use a sledgehammer on the thyroid gland and taking high doses of iodine is essentially that-hammering a very delicate gland. This has caused real problems in Japan where the government has asked people to decrease iodine intake. Where should we get our iodine and how much do we need are really important questions to ask and get answered. It can really be an obstacle to health and of course fertility. This interview will clarify, educate and answer many of your questions about this powerful trace element.