Fertility Awareness Method with Lisa of Fertility Friday – #27

The FertilityHour show

Summary: Lisa suffered from painful periods and like many teens was put on the birth control pill. In college she discovered a magical world that allowed her to understand her body, her rhythms and imbalances in a unique, revealing and intimate way. When Lisa learned the family awareness method and began to chart it ignited a passion that has burned inside her for the last 15 years. “...it’s really profound because we’ve never been taught anything about our bodies let alone the fact that our cycles are so closely related to our health.” Lisa Lisa has dedicated her life to teaching and empowering women through the family awareness method. By understanding our own unique patterns and rhythms we can use the charts to determine when to abstain and when we are most fertile but also can see how stress, diet, sleep and other lifestyle factors are affecting us. This is a wonderfully insightful interview and will further reinforce the importance of charting when trying to conceive.