Thyroid Balance is Paramount to Fertility with Richard Shames, MD – #36

The FertilityHour show

Summary: Dr. Shames became very invested in learning about the thyroid after his wife Karilee developed thyroid disease. Karilee, a nurse practitioner, went to some of the top endocrinologists and yet felt her care was very inadequate. Dr Shames along with his wife and daughter (an acupuncturist) dedicate their lives to help thyroid sufferers around the globe. It is a bigger epidemic then diabetes and yet many health care systems largely sweep it under the rug. “It can’t kill you though you may wish you were dead.” Thyroid disease can rob you of a quality of life and has a large laundry list of symptoms. For fertility, thyroid health is paramount and must be treated in orchestra with the hormones and adrenal system. In this interview we discuss testing, treatment, proper rangers  and the causative factor. I am a big fan of Dr. Shames and have recommended his book, Feeling Fat, Fuzzy and Frazzled to many of my patients who have all raved about it. Dr. Shames understands the complexity of thyroid disease but also acknowledges that because it is a complex condition everyone must be treated as an individual.