Mike Kalinowski VS Jared Haibon & Modok VS Critically Acclaimed - Movie Trivia Schmoedown

Collider Factory show

Summary: BECOME A PATRON TODAY! https://patreon.com/schmoedown  Another Schmoedown Doubleheader today! On today’s first match of the Movie Trivia Schmoedown, it’s time to watch a clash between two teams of titans in the Tag Team Schmoedown League. William “The Beast” Bibbianni and Whitney Seibold of Critically Acclaimed take on Matt Atchity and Grae Drake from Team Modok for a shot at being in the #1 Contenders Match for the Tag Team Championship. Critically Acclaimed, after suffering a shocking first round loss in last year’s Tag Team Tournament, has come on strong recently with a string of victories as they look to be taken seriously again in the Tag Team division. Team Modok has battled the best in the business for a couple of years now and were one controversial moment away from unseating the former tag team champs The Patriots. They’re back to out the tag team division on notice that they haven’t lost a step, shaken off the loss and ready to defeat anyone in their path on the way to the tag team title. All four of these contestants have forgotten more about movies combined than most of us will ever know about them in a lifetime. It’s all up for grabs in this one and you know there will be some great back and forth between these four on the table. See who which team will be left standing at the end and take one step closer to the Tag Team Championship. For the Main Event, it’s time to watch another battle from the first round of the Innergeekdom Tournament. Mike “KO” Kalinowski, the instigator of this tournament, takes on The Bachelor’s “Too Smooth” Jared Haibon in a battle that has been preordained since time immemorial. Kalinowski has been going after Haibon on social media for his celebrity and his approach to the Schmoedown. Haibon has been distracted with life events that have taken him away from the Schmoedown and just might affect his preparation and approach to this game. Kalinowski much like Ed Norton in Fight Club is in the mood to destroy something beautiful and Haibon just might be the ticket. Haibon wants to put Kalinowski in his place and show him that Love can conquer Hate. It’s all up for grabs in this one and you know there will be some combustible and nerdy back and forth between these two on the table. See who will be left standing at the end and take one step closer to the Innergeekdom Championship. Let us know what you thought of the match in the COMMENTS section below. Remember to LIKE and SHARE this video on your social media and to SUBSCRIBE to the channel for more Schmoedown and Collider Videos.