136 Blah Blah Blah Jesus

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> In John chapter 16, Jesus has gathered the disciples, his best friends, sharing a final meal with them. He is preparing them for his death on the cross, telling them all they needed to know. He’s encouraging and equipping them. He warns them in this world they will have trouble, then he leaves them one thing greater than any weapon he could have given them. And what he left the disciples during his last supper, he offers to you and I today.<br> In verses 23 and 24 Jesus says, “My Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.”<br> We have power in the name of Jesus. Whatever you ask in his name, God will do. If you ask, you will receive. Jesus also said, you have not because you do not ask.<br> Let me ask you something, have you specifically prayed over your current circumstances? Have you come to God in the name of Jesus and asked him to work and move? Why is it we will do everything else – we will stay up all night worrying, we will call our girlfriends and complain, we will cry to our mama, we’ll hash it out for hours with a counselor, but will we tap into the power Jesus left us here on Earth to overcome the trouble in this world?<br> We view prayer as some ritual we must complete to look all spiritual. Blah, blah, blah, Jesus. Check the boxes, throw out the name of Jesus and boom, we’re done. There’s no power in that. Jesus came to replace the ritual and routine. He broke all the rules. He took the place of the sacrificial lamb and blood offering. He is the blood offering. He changed everything. Because of what he did on that cross for you, you now have power when you ask in his name.<br> What will you ask the Father in the name of the son today? If you ask, you will receive. I wonder what is totally and completely available to you right now in your life, but you do not have it because you have not asked for it. I wonder what breakthrough has been waiting for you, but you haven’t asked. I wonder what provision is available, but you haven’t asked. I wonder how God is willing to work on your behalf moving mountains and breaking chains, if you would only come to him in the name of Jesus and ask.<br> As a US Citizen, I have rights in this country that others do not. As a believer and follower of Christ Jesus, we have power others do not. We have access to God almighty when using the name of Jesus. Are you using your power to access God, or is what Jesus came to give you going untapped? Jesus said in John 10:10 “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” Well … have you tapped into that? Are you asking God for the abundant life Jesus came to give you?<br> I’m not suggesting the ol’ “name it and claim it” like God is some kind of genie in a bottle and the magic word is Jesus. But what I am suggesting is, in the name of Jesus God moves. In the name of Jesus God’s power is released. In the name of Jesus we are covered.<br> My friend Laura is a prayer warrior. I can’t tell you how many times she has stopped in mid sentence with me and said “here, we’re just going to pray about this.” She knows the power of asking in the name of Jesus. She was reminded of that power just a few days ago when she had a front row seat to God’s protection over her family. Laura had taken her car in for repair 2 weeks ago. Since the repairs, they had driven all over Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. Then on Friday when pulling off the interstate, the car would no longer drive. The wheels locked up and she was stuck.<br> Now most people would consider this bad luck. What a sucky thing to happen. She was stranded on the side of the highway in the hot sun, waiting for a tow truck. But you see, Laura prays in the name of Jesus. Not just when she’s in trouble,