Best of: Ego is The Enemy with Ryan Holiday

The Unmistakable Creative Podcast show

Summary: <p>How do you separate your work and the effort you put into that work from the results that come after it, especially when those results aren’t dependent on the work you did? Focusing exclusively on results as a means of satisfaction with yourself isn’t good for your happiness or ego, and Ryan Holiday joins us to discuss that, writing, and much more.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">An Audience of One</a> – To pre-order Srini’s upcoming book and to learn about all the pre-order bonuses Unmistakable Creative listeners can get, visit <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>. You can download a free chapter of <em>An Audience of One</em> while there too!</p> <p><em><a href="">Ryan Holiday</a> is a strategist and writer. He dropped out of college at age nineteen to apprentice under Robert Greene, author of  The 48 Laws of Power, and later served as the director of marketing  for American Apparel. He’s the author of 4 books including his latest, <a href="">Ego is the Enemy</a></em></p> <p>How do you separate your work and the effort you put into that work from the results that come after it, especially when those results aren’t dependent on the work you did? Focusing exclusively on results as a means of satisfaction with yourself isn’t good for your happiness or ego, and Ryan Holiday joins us to discuss that, writing, and much more.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">An Audience of One</a> – To pre-order Srini’s upcoming book and to learn about all the pre-order bonuses Unmistakable Creative listeners can get, visit <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>. You can download a free chapter of <em>An Audience of One</em> while there too!</p> <p><em><a href="">Ryan Holiday</a> is a strategist and writer. He dropped out of college at age nineteen to apprentice under Robert Greene, author of  The 48 Laws of Power, and later served as the director of marketing  for American Apparel. He’s the author of 4 books including his latest, <a href="">Ego is the Enemy</a></em></p>