How To Nail Your Summer Sports Internship – Work in Sports podcast e092

The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers show

Summary: Listen in We're Digging Deep into Your Approach for Your Summer Sports InternshipHi everybody, I’m Brian Clapp Director of Content for and this is the Work in Sports podcast –Quick update, this past Wednesday after releasing our <a href="">latest podcast with Dr. Samuel Todd</a> a researcher on the subject of sports job seekers, (i.e. all of you) we had our best day for podcast downloads ever.This podcast is growing, and it is because of you. So thank you. I can’t tell you enough how humbled I am to have you all listening and engaging with our content.For those of you who like what we are doing, and are new to the podcast, a couple more ways you can engage with our community.<a href=""></a>We have a private facebook group – there are about 500 members in the group and they are sports passionate people around the country of all ages and experience. College students looking for the answers to their questions, career changers looking to start fresh in sports …and many of our talented experts guests like Andrew Howard Communication Manager for the NFL.It’s a great group, and if you haven’t joined yet, you should, just search for the Work in Sports podcast on facebook, answer three easy questions and you are in!Another way you can be involved is through our site – since 1999 we’ve been the number one job board for the sports industry. Sports employers tell us constantly how much they like , value and respect our members, because they are serious, talented, ambitious people willing to do what it takes to work in the sports industry. If you are here listening to this podcast, you are more than just a sports fan, you are sports ambitious, and that is why employers love our members. You are legit.Looking right now there are over 7500 available jobs – here’s one for a performance marketing manager for a major sports lifestyle brand… another for a marketing coordinator with a major pro sports league… and another for an associate director, social media for the athletic department of a major west coast university. And that was just the first three listings of 7,500!And if you like me personally, I respond to everyone in the facebook group, I accept linkedin invitations from people who aren’t creepy and I’m pretty darn responsive to questions…which gets us to today’s question:This is from Bobby in Springfield, Massachusetts – home of the Basketball Hall of Fame.Hi Brian, big fan of the podcast, thanks so much for all that you do. I just finished my sophomore year of college, I’m a sports management major and I have an internship with a local minor league baseball team this summer. I’m very excited, this is my first big internship and I want to make sure I nail it. Do you have any advice for the way I should approach my summer sports internship?Bobby – this is awesome, what a great question. Before I jump into it, for all of you newbies to the podcast, you can send in a question to me at <a href=""></a> – if you have your question answered on the show, I’ll give you a free month of access to our site! So bobby – you are getting this hook up.Now on to your question –There are three major things you should get out of every internship, and I’m going to break them down in great detail. Summer internships are special, you can usually dedicate more time to them, you are less distracted and can really give your entire focus… so I’m glad we are talking about how to take them really seriously.1: This is your time to be proactive –Here’s the honest truth about internships – many organizations view them as a way to get cheap labor to do the jobs no one else wants to do. They call it an internship which sounds really beneficial to you the student,