Mariota To Make The Leap? – Jim Wyatt ( RV32 Series

RotoViz Fantasy Football Show show

Summary: The RotoViz 2018 RV32 Team Preview Series, powered by RotoViz Radio. If you’re a listener of the show who isn’t subscribing yet to RotoViz, you can get a special 30% discount through the podcast. Host: Colm Kelly (@OvertimeIreland) Guest: Jim Wyatt (@JWyattsports) of GUEST DISCUSSION On this edition of the RV32, Jim talks about the changes he’s seen from Marcus Mariota this off-season, who he thinks will be the teams lead Wide-Receiver in 2018, the running back splits and also about whether the defense will improve in 2018 and by how much. HOST SEGMENT Colm takes some time to share his thoughts on the 2018 season outlook for the Titans skill position players. He gives his projections using the Projection Machine tool. SHOW NOTES Email: Twitter: @RotoVizRadio