Nail Your Next Speaking Engagement with Brian Miller

The MECE Muse Unplugged Podcast - Helping New or Aspiring Consultants on Their Journey to Greatness show

Summary:  <br> Quick wins interview with Brian Miller, a professional speaker, TEDx coach, and magician is globetrotting magician turned speaker who works with organizations, students, and educators who want to create an environment in which everyone can feel heard, understood, and valued.  Brian’s TEDx talk is one of the became a global sensation, now viewed, and shared 3 million times worldwide.<br> In today’s episode, Brian shares his career journey as a magician, discusses his TEDx journey, and provides helpful tips/tricks on how you can prepare to nail your next speaking engagement.<br> In this episode, I also provide a special announcement about the podcast show.<br> <br> Listen to the Episode Here:<br> I’ve got a lot of cool announcements to share with you and they are long awaited. I’ve been talking and thinking about this for some time. I want to actually take a moment and introduce our guest that we have on the show. We have <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Brian Miller</a> on the show. A little bit about Brian, he is a professional speaker, he’s a TEDx coach and he’s also a magician. In this episode, we’re going to connect with Brian and help you be able to get some tips and tricks if you are preparing for a global speech or just a regular speaking engagement with clients in front of a conference. Brian is going to give some really cool tips.<br> Brian was one of my speaking coaches when I did a <a href=";" target="_blank" rel="noopener">TEDx Talk</a> in Zaragoza, Spain. We’re going to talk with Brian and have a really cool conversation about how you can really take your speaking game to the next level. I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching about the show. For those that may have not listened to some of the past episodes, when I first started the show, I mentioned and I continuously called it a pop-up podcast because I wasn’t sure how long I was going to be doing the show.<br> I originally thought I was going to do it for a couple of months and try it out. I’ve never done podcasting before. By nature, I’m usually more of an introvert, but I said, “I’m going to get out of my shell.” I’m going to try this out and really share my perspectives and really help consultants on their journey to greatness. I was able to push forward and it’s been such an amazing ride. I’ve got listenership across the world, which is fantastic. I’ve been doing some soul searching.<br> I’m always getting feedback about the show from listeners. One thing that I continue to hear, which I found fascinating, was that while my guests are awesome and the interviews are insightful and really helpful, a lot of my listeners are telling me they want to hear more from me. They want to hear me. They want to hear some of my stories, and hear some of my ideas and insights, which is flattering. When I created the show, I did make it for it to be a variety show. I do share perspectives from time to time, but people want to hear more from me. I’ve gotten that message loud and clear.<br> The other thing that I’ve also realized in having the podcast and this pop-up platform, is that now that I’m used to podcasting, I enjoy it. It’s something that I can see myself doing for a long time. I want to talk about more things. I love consulting, and that’s definitely one of the things that I’m very passionate about. I’m passionate about a lot of other things and I’m sure all of my go-getters out there are as well. I feel like this platform, while it’s been really awesome, I really want to expand it out a little bit more. I want to do something a little different, bring more of my personal style into it, talk about consulting, and a whole other host of topics that are trending, that are interesting,