EP 96: Rural Queer Worldmaking with Queer Appalachia/Electric Dirt

Feminist Killjoys, PhD show

Summary: CN: Discussions of suicide and addiction We talk to Mamone of the Queer Appalachia/Electric Dirt collective about the joys and struggles of rural queer life. Mamone discusses how QA/ED was born as a memorial zine project for Bryn Kelly and grew from there with her fabulous femme spirit leading the way. Now QA is working on addiction and recovery programs for queer folks in Appalachia, has a new microgrant fund program, and much more. We also talk: cultural appropriation of rural life, making queer theory accessible, how addiction culture in the US is so heteronormative, and more. Time stamps: OO:00-09:00 chit-chat 09:00-end interview with Mamone *** INTRO: "Top Floor" GRRRL PRTY OUTRO: "Poor Folks Town" Porter Wagoner & Dolly Parton *** Subscribe on iTunes & leave a review. Follow us on the Gram, Facebook, and Twitter. Check out our Feminist Killjoys, PhD Mixtape on the Fy. Have some extra dollars and want to support feminist media-makers? Consider donating to our Patreon or as a one-time thing at our website. All Patreons now receive our FKJ, PHD newsletter AND $5+ peeps get bonus eps. So become a Patreon today! *insert jingle music here* You can also email us at fkj.phd@gmail.com. <3