Episode 65: Nas "Nasir" album breakdown, Jada Pinkett Smith's Masturbation addiction + sex talk

Grass Routes Podcast show

Summary: On this episode of Grass Routes Podcast Brandon killabh Hall, Erin Ashley Simon, Regular Naz and Wylson sit down to chat about Nas' "Nasir" album (1:19), Jada Pinkett saying he was addicted to masturbating (28:30), Drake's Degrassi reunion on "I'm Upset" music video (49:43) and Desus and Mero Showtime show news before it broke (53:27) Subscribe to our YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/grassroutespodcas…ub_confirmation=1 Join our post episode discussion on Grass Chat (free GroupMe chat): https://groupme.com/join_group/37511634/N6wXSZ Twitter www.twitter.com/GrassRoutesPod www.twitter.com/erinasimon www.twitter.com/killabh www.twitter.com/regular_naz Instagram www.instagram.com/grassroutespod www.instagram.com/erinasimon/ www.instagram.com/killabh/ www.instagram.com/regular_naz Grass Routes Podcast is a deep dive into the Culture, touching on the future, past and present of both the hosts Brandon "Killabh" Hall and Erin Ashley Simon and your favorite influencers, celebrities and artists. Our podcasts explores the honest, personal and vulnerable stories, thoughts, opinions and introspective statements that helped shape our guests and hosts into who they are, their careers and more.