Sexplanations Podcast show

Summary: When we first started Sexplanations YouTube channel Nick Jenkins and I were putting out two videos a week. Two videos?! I think back on those days when I was also teaching at the university, seeing clients, raising kids, and three dogs. It's mind-blowing to me that we made twice as many videos in a year then, as we've made podcasts in just this last year. It explains why the topic of today's podcast is about a Valentine's Day villain, Anthony Comstock. To give a quick summary: Comstock convinced the U.S. government to let him regulate the postal system with a gun. He was responsible for keeping information about contraception, sexual health, erotica, sex ed etc out of circulation. Nothing lacivious was permitted in the mail so hundreds of thousands were left without access to information or if they sent it or got it anway -- they were jailed. What an evil baby!! There are things happening now that censor of sexuality too -- demonetization of channels by LGBT and sex educators, denial of comprehensive sex education in schools, outright lying about our bodies and our identities. I hate it. It's harmful to withhold what we all need to protect ourselves. So this episode of the podcast is all my feelings on it and a quick run through of solutions. SEXtra Credit: watch past episodes of Sexplanations. Anyone who has seen them all may call themselves a Sexual Scholar. Link to the Comstock episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYY1wr4lBMc Link to support the podcast: https://www.patreon.com/sexplanationspodcast Link to the tank top: https://store.dftba.com/products/stay-curious-rainbow-shirt