A Women’s Place Is In The House


Summary: On this episode of #SundayCivics L. Joy begins with a clarifying discussion on the difference between an elected "executive" official and an elected "representative" official with Lurie and June. Then her guest (featured on the #CivicDocket on <a href="http://sundaycivics.org/episode28">episode 28</a>)  <a href="http://liubaforcongress.com">Liuba Grechen Shirley</a>, candidate for Congress in New York’s 2nd District on Long Island joins L. Joy and the team for a stirring discussion where she shares her #FirstCivicAction, life journey that led her to politics and her very important reason to <a href="http://snip.ly/0x1w7#https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/posteverything/wp/2018/04/09/want-women-to-run-for-congress-we-need-someone-to-watch-our-kids-first/">testify before Congress</a>. <br> <br> <br> <br> 6:21 - Check out our friends Lola and Doe who are the number one provider of all natural and organic personal care goods for the entire family! Shop and subscribe at <a href="http://LolaAndDoe.Com/shop-1?ref=ljoywilliams">lolaanddoe.com</a> and get 10% of your order when you use our promo code CIVICS at checkout.<br> <br> 8:20 - During this election season, L. Joy wants everyone to be #CivicallyEngaged so she’s giving us a mini-lesson on the definitive differences between Elected Executive Officials and Elected Representative Officials, what their jobs are and what that means on the Federal, State and Local levels.  Additionally, L. Joy discusses how you use your personal values help in your decision to select a candidate and how everyday citizens can engage elected officials. <br> <br> 24:40 - #FirstCivicAction: L. Joy’s guest <a href="https://www.liubaforcongress.com/meet-liuba">Liuba Grechen Shirley</a> shares how her #FirstCivicActction which resulted in a trip to the emergency room!<br> <br> 26:60 - Next Liuba, who describes herself as a mother, community organizer, business and non-profit leader and democrat, shares her life and leadership journey and how she came to found <a href="https://www.ny02dems.org/">New York’s 2nd District Democrats</a>, an organization which attracts people from various political parties to take civic action. <br> <br> 46:00 - L. Joy and Liuba round out this conversation with what she looks for as a constituent in a candidate, her transition from constituent to candidate and how her need to pay for child care led her to testify before Congress. <br> <br> ---<br> <br> BECOME A CIVIC PATRON<br> Help us continue to grow and spread civic education and engagement by becoming a Civic Patron. Your financial support will help fund day-to-day costs and ensure the show will continue to be free and available for all to learn and share. You can contribute as little as $3 a month <a href="https://www.sundaycivics.org/patreon">via Patreon</a> or make a one-time donation of any amount <a href="https://www.paypal.me/SundayCivics">via PayPal</a><br> <br> REVIEW THE SHOW<br> If you love the show please write a review on <a href="https://www.sundaycivics.org/itunes">iTunes</a> or <a href="https://www.sundaycivics.org/stitcher">Stitcher</a> and help spread the word about civic education and engagement. Make it a 5 star review and L. Joy Will read it on a feedback episode of the show.<br> <br> FOLLOW #SUNDAYCIVICS<br> Subscribe on YouTube: <a href="http://www.sundaycivics.org/youtube">sundaycivics.org/youtube</a><br> Follow on Twitter: <a href="http://www.sundaycivics.org/twitter">sundaycivics.org/twitter</a><br> Like on Facebook: <a href="http://www.sundaycivics.org/facebook">sundaycivics.org/facebook</a><br> <br> FOLLOW L. JOY<br> Follow on Twitter: <a href="http://www.twitter.com/ljoywilliams">twitter.com/ljoywilliams</a><br> Follow on Instagram: <a href="http://www.instagram.com/ljoywilliams">instagram.com/ljoywilliams</a><br> Follow on LinkedIn: <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/ljoywilliams">linkedin.</a>