LK1K-5 and EVE Down Under Report

Talking in Stations show

Summary: This week on Talking in Stations we have a monumental fight over a Fraternity Fortizar in LK1K-5. What does this mean in the struggle between Legacy Coalition, Winter Coalition and Trumpy? We also go ‘down under’ to review what was announced there by CCP Fozzie including looks at the replacement for the last of the POS modules, as well as anchorables for displaying alliance banners and custom stargates. On the show: Matterall Carneros Tiberius Stargazer Guests: Killah Bee ProgodLegend Otto Bismarck Jay Amazingness Show Notes: Fight of LK1K-5 2700 in local, WinterCo saved Fraternity Fort (FWD Op base) Winter Co. LR Titans and Dreads hard countering Tests LR kiting Nightmares Killah Bee is back – FCing machs for many alliances Progod dropped capitals?  Usually he’s a subcap FC What does this mean in the big picture in the struggle over Immensea New Features, EVE Development Conclusion: Thanks to Maccloud (Engineer), Keskora (Webmaster) — back episodes, staff info and supporters Thank you to our producers Artimus, January, Sarah, and MacCloud   Soundtrack: Instrumental – “But Not Tonight” (Depeche Mode)   Used in the show / further reading:  fight battle Summary by TanaisNL on Reddit LK1K Fight on Twitch by iworstplayerever LK1K Fight Corrected BR Coalition Sov Influence Map at the time of the LK1K fight LK1K’s Location Max Capital Jump range from LK1K June 4th NER including escalating aggression between Legacy and Eastern Powers June 14th NER Winter Coalition et all Deploying New Stagings in Immensea. EDU Fozzie Keynote slides Eve Down Under entire event video by EDU_Live Capqu’s Ship design ideas on Eve Online Forums Eve Player Art CCP vs Travis Musgreat vis a vis his temp ban NC’s titan loss by Blood Raider Sotiyo NPCs Player activity tracking feature Image by CCP