TPP #85 How to deal with being too busy

The Paul Minors Podcast: Productivity, Business & Self-Improvement show

Summary: We’ve all experienced that feeling of being “too busy”. When you feel like you have so much to do and never get a break. Or maybe you feel like you’re a slave to your customers or clients and don’t have time to work on the things you want to do. I’ve been thinking about how to take back control of my calendar and deal with this issue of being “too busy”. If you’re stuck in the busy trap, I hope that sharing my story and some of the things I’ve been doing helps you out. Let me know your tips and anything you do to deal with being too busy. Show notes: If you want to be more productive, start my free 3-part video series to supercharge your productivity and get more organised!: If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe to the podcast. I'd also love it if you could leave me a review. Doing this will help more people discover the show so they to can get more done and get more out of life. Intro/Outro Music: "Synthia" by Scott & Brendo