Episode 27: Eric Mueller (Pirates Press)

The Creator-Destructor Podcast show

Summary: We’ve returned with an all new episode of the podcast, with none-other than Eric Mueller, the CEO and visionary behind Pirates Press Manufacturing and Pirates Press Records! I’ve known Eric for over half my life, starting all the way back in the 7th grade when I was making CDs for my first bands! Eric was already in the vinyl game back then, and has since created & grown Pirates Press into an absolute beast of a company that undeniably dominates the vinyl industry, and offers an amazing service to any artist looking to bring their music to life via wax. Eric has always been an inspirational figure in my life - someone with an intense amount of drive and vision, and the dedication and hard work to back it. It was a pleasure to sit down with him for an hour and talk about the current state of the music industry, what it takes for smaller bands to succeed, the benefits of unique physical packaging and concepts, and his own relationship with music! I had a blast, and hope you enjoy the episode!