FL 224 – We teach Allison find her perfect customer

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary: <br> <br> In today's episode, we help our Flip Your Life member Allison Lopez.<br> <br> Allison has a career in education as a teacher, and an instructional tech coach as well. She also has experience working in IT consulting before.<br> <br> She had transitioned from one career into a teaching career because that is where her real passion lies.<br> <br> Having this experience, Allison wants to help other people make a career transition into teaching based on her knowledge and experience of the process.<br> <br> This is why she created her website, seconcareerteachers.com.<br> <br> She is currently dealing with some challenges to move her online business forward like time management, mindset issues, and specifically finding the right audience for her niche.<br> <br> Join us in this episode as we help Allison with strategic ways to find her perfect avatar by putting herself in their shoes to find out what they are looking for and where they hang out.<br> <br> [Tweet "If you've done it, and someone else hasn't done it, you are an expert and you can help them"]<br> [Tweet "If you're finding excuses about something, then it's really not that important to you."]<br> You Will Learn<br> <br> * How to effectively find your audience in places where they hang out<br> * How to use strategic keyword research to find what your avatar is looking for<br> * How to find time to work on your online business<br> * How important your "WHY" is to help you focus on moving forward in your online business<br> * The importance of dealing with mindset issues first before anything else<br> <br> Links and resources mentioned on today’s show:<br> <br> * <a href="http://www.secondcareerteachers.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Allison's website</a><br> * <a href="https://flippedlifestyle.com/free" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Flip Your Life community 30-day trial </a><br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Success Story of the Week:<br> Today's success story is from Melissa.<br> <br> Melissa says, "I would never talk to someone the way I talk to myself. Over the past two weeks, I've been busy with my family and many fun end of the year activities. Late at night I'd crawl into bed with heavy eyelids and a battered spirit. I tried, but I just couldn't get it all done for my website. There weren't enough hours of the day, and I got really down on myself. I found myself talk being some of the most discouraging conversations I've ever heard, and it was all in my own head. Never, not ever would I speak such defeating statements to a fellow entrepreneur. I recall hearing Shane and Jocelyn speak of this and suddenly I knew, truly knew what they had meant. I can see where a person might want to throw in the towel, but sometimes life is just that busy.<br> <br> Step 1 - sometimes life is just going to get in the way<br> <br> Step 2 - forgive those moments of self sabotage. Instead, i engaged in my family time festivities and thoroughly enjoyed those can't miss moments. Yay for me!<br> <br> Now Step 3 - back to work."<br> <br> Melissa, we are so proud of you! This mindset shift is so important for anyone who is starting a business. You can't let negative talk get in your way, and I'm so proud of you for recognizing it and changing that pattern.<br> <br> We would love to help you write the success story for your online business.<br> <br> At the end of today’s show, head over to <a href="https://flippedlifestyle.com/flipyourlife">flippedlifestyle.com/flipyourlife</a> where you can learn more about building and growing a successful online business with the help of our Flip Your Life community.<br> <br> <br> <br> Can’t Miss Moment:<br> One last trip to Toys R Us before they go out of business ... (I don't wanna grow up)<br> <br> Today's Can't Miss Moment is a final trip to Toys R Us.<br>