Episode 8 – Start With Where You Are – My Coffee with Kabir Sehgal

Going Solo with Matthew Mayer show

Summary: New York Times and Wall Street Journal Best Selling Author Kabir Sehgal has coffee with Matthew Mayer in Downtown Wall Street the morning before the 60th Annual Grammy Awards Show. Kabir shares unique insights on creative processes, connecting the dots on seemingly unrelated topics, and how this Grammy Winning Producer balances multiple projects at once.<br> For more information on Kabir Sehgal, visit his webpage at <a href="http://kabir.cc/">http://kabir.cc/</a> and follow him on Twitter <a class="ProfileHeaderCard-screennameLink u-linkComplex js-nav" href="https://twitter.com/HiKabir">@HiKabir</a><br> For more information on Matthew Mayer, check out his newest piano album at <a href="http://matthewmayer.bandcamp.com">matthewmayer.bandcamp.com</a> and follow him on Twitter <a href="http://www.twitter.com/mayersolopiano">@mayersolopiano</a><br> <br>