Ep 86: Building Resilience from Personal Tragedy with Eric Hodgdon

The Squad Room show

Summary: Eric Hodgdon is a resilience coach, author, and speaker. I first met Eric in October 2017 at a workshop and was immediately drawn to how him. He just exudes being a good guy. In March of 2018 I got to spend a few days with him a a leadership retreat in Florida and it was there that I learned his whole story. It’s quite a story.<br> As first responders, we live in this bizarre world where we are voyeurs on other peoples problems and tragedies. We are often the only person in the room as someone goes through their worst nightmare. In Eric’s case, it was losing his daughter Zoi to suicide. On this episode, Eric tells the story of that night, and how he walked through grief to find a way forward. He’s now teaching around the country on the topic and showing people how to navigate hardships of all kinds to move forward.<br> Check him out at <a href="https://erichodgdon.com/">erichodgdon.com</a> and Instagram <a href="https://www.instagram.com/ericbhodgdon/?hl=en">@ericbhodgdon</a><br> His book,<a href="https://amzn.to/2th0pDT"> “A Sherpa Named Zoi”</a> is available on Amazon.<br>