Ep 87: Be the One: Stepping Up During the Vegas Massacre with Sgt. Larry Hahn

The Squad Room show

Summary: Sgt. Larry Hahn has done many things throughout his career with one of the largest sheriff’s department’s in the country. But it was what he did off-duty on the night of Sunday October 1, 2017 that will show you how he is the kind of leader I talk about when I ask you to be the one. Larry was enjoying the Route 91 country music festival with friends and partners, and was on the floor when the shooting started and he didn’t leave the floor until it was nearly over, protecting a group of strangers from the attack. Larry was inches from the bullets, and one of his partners was shot, and a partner’s wife was shot also.<br> On top of this, Larry is just an interesting guy. We met during a leadership course and over the course of 8 months, I got to know him quite well. I’m lucky to call him a friend. He has so many stories about personal leadership that we couldn’t get to them for this episode, and his story (with an ending that will blow your mind!) is plenty for one episode anyways. We’ll have him back on the show again at some point.<br> Larry’s not on social media, he doesn’t have a book to sell or a podcast to promote. He’s just a regular cop who loves his job, takes it seriously, and is the very definition of The One.<br>