Kara Eastman: the pro-choice candidate the pro-choice establishment ignored

The Katie Halper Show show

Summary: I spoke to Kara Eastman the day after she won her primary against Blue Dog Democrat Brad Ashford in Nebraska's congressional second district. Ashford, a former Republican who likes to "govern from the Center" and has an anti-choice record, was endorsed by The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC). What's more surprising, kinda, is that Kara Eastman, who is openly pro-choice wasn't endorsed by a single high profile pro-choice organization. The only pro-choice organization to endorse her was Vote Pro Choice. The silence of groups like NARAL, Planned Parenthood and Emily's List is especially frustrating, given that they vocally opposed Heath Mello, the Democrat who ran for mayor of Omaha, because of his anti-choice record, which was better than Ashford's, and despite his promise to be a pro-choice mayor. Not to mention that mayor's have less influence on abortion than members of congress. But I digress.