2.2.3B 故事解读《狼来了》

听故事学中文 Learning Chinese through Stories show

Summary: This lesson helps you go through all new vocabularies and grammatical structures in the story 狼来了(The wolf is coming). 故事 gùshì Noun, story 撒谎/说谎 sāhuǎng/shuōhuǎng Verb, to tell a lie 关系 guānxì Noun, verb, relation; to relate to 从前 cóngqián Noun, long time ago 放羊 fàngyáng Verb, to herd the sheep (or goats) 同样 tóngyàng Adj, the same 事情 shìqíng Noun, things (that are done by someone) 无聊 wúliáo Adj, boring; bored 解闷 jiěmèn Verb, to have fun when one feels bored 方法 fāngfǎ Noun, method; approach 往常 wǎngcháng Noun, usual habit 像往常一样,as usual 草 cǎo Noun, grass 突然 túrán Adverb (it can also be used as a conjunction word), suddenly 喊 hǎn Verb, to shout; to yell 村民 cūnmín Noun, villager 狼 láng Noun, wolf 信以为真 xìnyǐwéizhēn Verb (chengyu, Chinese idiom), (someone) thought something was true 活(儿) huó (er) Noun, chores; workload 扫帚 sàozhǒu Noun, broom 木棍 mù gùn Noun, wood stick 救 jiù Verb, to save 发现 fāxiàn Verb, to discover 倒是 dǎoshì Adverb, contrary to what one might expect actually contrariwise 捧腹大笑 pěngfù dà xiào Verb (chengyu, Chinese idiom), to laugh your head off (to laugh hard while holding one’s belly) 笨 bèn Adj, stupid 随便 suíbiàn Adv, randomly; not seriously 生气 shēngqì Adj, angry 离开 líkāi Verb, to leave 远处 yuǎn chù Noun, faraway place 骗 piàn Verb, to lie to (someone) 终于 zhōngyú Adverb, finally 救命 jiùmìng Verb phrase, “Help!” ; to save one’s life 装作 zhuāng zuò Verb, to pretent 引申 yǐnshēn Noun, extension 道理 dàolǐ Noun, the moral (lesson) 诚实 chéngshí Adj, honest 对待 duìdài Verb, to treat