3.1.1A 故事《山东青岛:11岁“无腿少年”迎新学期》

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Summary: This is an authentic news cited from Tecent News. It is about an 11-year-old handicapped boy Gao Zhenyu, who just started his 6th grade school year. Zhenyu had a high-level amputee who lost both of his legs in a car accident during his 1st grade. Now, Zhenyu is using a pair of wood blocks to help himself walk, with the support of his hands. He has been always studying hard in school and has been very successful academically. His dream is to practice sports and attend the next Paralympics in 2020. 山东青岛:11 岁“无腿少年”迎新学期 2016 年 08 月 29 日,山东青岛即墨市环秀街 道办事处城南小学11岁的“无腿少年”高志宇走 进学校,迎来了新学期的第一天。经过 近两个 月的暑假生活,高志宇终于见到了久违的小伙伴 们。发新书、讲新课、升 国旗、奏 国歌……步 入六年级的第一天,高志宇显得十分兴奋。2005 年出生的高志宇,一年级暑假期间因遭遇 车祸 双腿高位截肢。医院治疗的半年时间里,因为有 老师的悉心呵护和自己的刻苦努力,所以小志宇 没有落下一节课程。入学后,他凭着对读书的渴 望,让爸爸给他做了两个小木块当鞋,勇敢地 “站”了起来,用“手”撑起了坚强的上学路。 四年来,小志宇坚强不屈、不向命运低头、积极 笑对人生的生活态度 感染了周围的同学和老师, 赢得了大家的敬佩和赞誉。在上一学期的期末考 试中,三门主要课程都在95分以上,其中语文以 97 分的成绩,夺得全班第一名。暑假期间,里约奥运会中国运动员顽强拼搏的竞技 精神,开启 了小志宇新的梦想,他的期望是在这个学期里选 学一项体育运动,在下一届 残奥会上为祖国争光! ——摘自腾讯新闻,http://news.qq.com/a/20160829/035471.htm#p=1