1.3.23B 故事解读《塞翁失马,焉知非福》

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Summary: (边)塞 (biān) sài,noun, frontier fortress 翁 wēng,noun, old man 失(去)shī (qù),verb, to lose 焉 yān,adv, how? 福 fú, noun, blessing 穷 qióng,adj, poor 独子 dúzǐ,noun, the only son 匹 pǐ,measureword for horse and cloth 心爱 xīn'ài,adj, beloved 逃 táo,verb, to escape 马厩 mǎjiù,noun, stables 附近 fùjìn, noun, nearby places 山麓 shānlù, noun phrase, the foot of a mountain 邻人 lín rén,noun, neighbor(s) 同情 tóngqíng,verb, to sympathize 不幸 búxìng,adj, unfortunate 纷纷 fēnfēn,adv, one after another 安慰 ānwèi,verb, to comfort 却 què,but (always follows the subject) 果然 guǒrán, conjunction, as expected; sure enough 同时 tóngshí,conjunction, at the same time 野 yě,adj, wild 镇 zhèn,noun, town 恭喜 gōngxǐ,verb, to congratulate 运气 yùnqì,noun, luck 犹 yóu,adv, still 不小心 bù xiǎoxīn,adv, by accident 摔 shuāi, verb, to fall 竟(然)jìng (rán), adv, unexpectedly 跌 diē, verb, to fall 断 duàn, verb, to broke into half 瘸子 quézi,noun, cripple 意外 yìwài,noun, accident 跛子 bǒzi,noun, cripple 事隔不久 shì gé bùjiǔ,soon afterwards 征召 zhēngzhào,verb, to recruit 健壮 jiànzhuàng,adj, healthy and strong 青年 qīngnián, noun, youth; young man 战场 zhànchǎng,noun, battlefield 打仗 dǎzhàng,verb, to fight (in war) 输 shū,verb, to lose (in a game, war, etc.) 士兵 shìbīng, noun, soldiers 阵亡 zhènwáng,verb, to be killed in the war 村子 cūnzi,noun, village 唯一 wéiyī,adj, the only 幸存 xìngcún adj, survivable; verb, to survive after an accident, natural disaster, war, etc. 年轻 niánqīng, adj, young 跛脚 bǒjiǎo,adj, lame 残废 cánfèi,adj, handicapped 躲过一劫 duǒguò yì jié,verb, to be saved by the bell Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/learningchinesethroughstories