
听故事学中文 Learning Chinese through Stories show

Summary: 画蛇添足   楚国有个祭祀的官员,给手下办事的人一壶酒和酒具。门客们互相商量说:“几个人喝这壶酒不够,一个人喝这壶酒才有剩余。请大家在地上画蛇,先画成的人喝酒。”   一个人先把蛇画好了。他拿起酒壶准备饮酒,就左手拿着酒壶,右手画蛇,说:“我能够给蛇添上脚!”没等他画完,另一个人的蛇画成了,夺过他的酒说:“蛇本来没有脚,你怎么能给它添上脚呢?”于是就把壶中的酒喝了下去。   那个给蛇画脚的人最终失掉了那壶酒。 引自:http://www.ruiwen.com/wenxue/kewen/388451.html Subscribe to our newsletter: https://goo.gl/forms/iGzDQVYToF7Rivo42 Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/learningchinesethroughstories 汉字;拼音;词性;意思 楚国; Chǔ guó; noun; the state of Chu (1115BC —223 BC) 祭祀;jìsì; noun; the worship of ancestors 官员;guānyuán; noun; government officials 手下;shǒuxià; noun; subordinate 办事;bànshì; verb phrase; handle [run] affairs; work 壶;hú; noun; kettle/ pot 酒具;jiǔ jù; noun; drinkware 门客;ménkè; noun; a hanger-on of an aristocrat 互相;hùxiāng; adverb; mutual/ each other 商量;shāngliáng; verb; discuss 够;gòu; adjective; enough 剩余;shèngyú; noun; remainder verb+成; chéng; complete doing something 饮;yǐn; verb; drink 能够;nénggòu; verb;be able to 添;tiān; verb; add 夺;duó; verb; take...away without permission 本来;běnlái; adverb; originally 于是;yúshì; conjunction word; as a result 最终;zuìzhōng; conjunction word; eventually 失掉;shīdiào; verb; lose