Young mom of 3 girls found dead on Princess Cruise

Crime Stories with Nancy Grace show

Summary: Lawyers for a man accused of killing his wife during a cruise ship vacation argue in new court papers that it was not premeditated murder. Kenneth Manzanares is accused of killing his wife, Kristy, aboard the “Emerald Princess" last year. Nancy Grace looks at the case with prosecutor Wendy Patrick, defense lawyer Troy Slaten, private investigator Vincent Hill, and Chuck Roberts. Next, Nancy is joined by psychologist Dr. Pat Saunders, forensics expert Joseph Scott Morgan, and  reporter John Lemley to dig into the murder charges against a man who allegedly drive his car into a restaurant to kill his daughter and daughter in law. Finally, Grace discusses the drug K2 that can turn users into zombies and worse. She consults addiction expert Dr. William Morrone. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at