Yesler Terrace Plan, Crater Lake Scuba Diving Ban, And John Cage's Birthday

The Conversation Podcast show

Summary: City Council To Vote On Yesler Terrace Plan: The City Council is expected to vote this afternoon on the fate of Yesler Terrace, Seattle's oldest public housing development located on First Hill. The Seattle Housing Authority is proposing to demolish and replace Yesler Terrace with a new, dense, mixed–income development. Gas Consumption Declines In The Northwest: A survey by the website found that gasoline prices at the pump were stabilizing in the Northwest ahead of Labor Day Weekend. Unfortunately, they're stabilizing right around $4 per gallon for regular unleaded on average statewide. If it's any consolation, a study by a think tank in Seattle finds gasoline consumption in Oregon and Washington is "on a gentle downward slide." Correspondent Tom Banse reports. Scuba Diving Ban In Crater Lake National Park: Southern Oregon's Crater Lake sits in a caldera created by the collapse of a huge volcano more than 7,000 years ago. It's the nation's deepest and clearest lake, and the National Park Service is trying to assure the waters stay pristine by closing the lake to scuba divers. They say they need time to develop rules to keep invasive species out of the lake. Mark Buktenica, an aquatic ecologist at Crater Lake National Park, joins Ross to talk about the diving ban and Amelia Templeton of Earthfix shares her report. Ramtha Channeler Donates To State Democratic Party: JZ Knight of the Ramtha School of Enlightenment in southwest Washington is perhaps the Northwest's most famous new age spiritual leader. Now Knight has a new role: major political donor. She recently wrote a $50,000 check to the state Democratic Party. Olympia Correspondent Austin Jenkins spoke with the self–described channeler. John Cage's 100th Birthday Celebration: Wednesday would have been the 100th birthday of experimental and innovative composer John Cage. Cage lived in Seattle for many years and came up with much of his music here. Ross Reynolds shares some of Cage's music, his musings on composing, and ways in which Seattle is honoring his legacy.