TAS 521: 5 Ways to Build an Audience (RAVING FANS) For Your Business

The Amazing Seller show

Summary: How do you build and develop an audience for your ecommerce business? What does it take to reach your target demographic group? Should you focus on multiple channels or just one at a time? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott as he goes over five ways that sellers like you can get started with building your audience. Don’t leave all of your audience-building efforts to chance! Learn from Scott expert advice and walk away with clear action steps by listening to this engaging episode, you don't’ want to miss it! <br> You’ve got to be ready to play the long game! <br> Let's face it, building a thriving and successful ecommerce business is going to take time. Don’t think that you can listen to a few podcasts and read a few blogs and then expect to have booming business overnight! The old saying is true, nothing worth having comes easy. On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott as he explains what it means to play the long game and build your business step by step. If you are ready to put in the time, you’ve come to the right place. Get all the info you need to start your ecommerce business by listening to this valuable episode! <br> No experience necessary, learn as you go. <br> Have you ever heard of the phrase analysis paralysis? It simply means that you can study and research something so much that you can’t find a simple place to start. Don’t let that happen to you! The truth is, you don’t have to be an expert at building an ecommerce business to get started. Sure, you should have important resources that you rely upon to help you navigate issues as they come up but you don’t have to know everything to get started! Learn from Scott’s story and just pick your first step so you can get moving today. Learn more by listening to this helpful episode! <br> 5 ways you can build an audience. <br> If you’ve come to the stage in your process of building your ecommerce business where you are ready to start growing an audience, Scott’s developed five ways to help you begin. You don’t have to go it alone! Here are the five ways you can start building an audience for your ecommerce business; <br> <br> Build a blog. <br> Create and start using a YouTube channel. <br> Create an Instagram account for your brand. <br> Create a Facebook fan page for your brand. <br> Build an email list to connect with your audience. <br> (Bonus) Start a podcast around your brand. <br> <br> To hear Scott expand on each of these six ways to build an audience for your ecommerce brand, make sure to listen to this episode of The Amazing Seller, you don’t want to miss it! <br> 3 action steps you should consider starting today! <br> Too often business leader and entrepreneur have all these great ideas but lack a clear way to move forward and execute them. Have you struggled with this issue in the past? How can you break the cycle of inaction and move forward with clear action steps? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott as he provides three action steps you can utilize that will help you move forward with your business. <br> <br> Choose a platform to focus on. Where is your market right now? <br> Search “How to…” for keywords on YouTube. <br> Be consistent and create a schedule. <br> <br> Whichever step is the right one of you to take today, choose one! Don’t let this awesome opportunity to get started pass by. To hear Scott go further with these steps and more, make sure to listen to this episode! <br> OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER<br> <br> [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast!<br> [2:30] You’ve got to play the long game! <br> [4:45] Some TAS news you need to hear. <br> [8:30] You don’t have to be an expert to get started. <br> [10:00] Real life brand and audience building examples. <br> [18:00] YOU are The Amazing Seller! <br>