S6E69 Riding That Zyrtec Rainbow!

AirWreckRadio Podcasts show

Summary: This episode of AirWreckRadio is high on drugs!!! WOOOOO!!! Actually Stacey is. It’s allergy season, and he’s suffering hard! To help ease his suffering, Stacey is full of off-brand Zyrtec and season 8 of The Simpsons! In the News this week, Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manifort is going to even more jail! Also, the LA Times reported that President Trump has indicated that he might remove the federal ban on marijuana. We think that’d be great, but we’ll believe it when we see it. Also in the news: Did you know that a group of penguins on land is called a waddle? Now you do! Also, President Trump has commuted the sentence of Alice Johnson, who has served 21 years of a life sentence for attempting to possess cocaine. Closing things up the boys pay a visit to Vox.com for some hard left rhetoric! The topic of this particular article, “Scott Pruitt’s Ritz Carlton moisturizing lotion scandal explained.” You’re gonna want to hear about that!<br> AirWreckRadio: We’re not trying to judge, it just happens! <br>