Working with Baselight Grades in Flame - Flame 2019.1

The Flame Learning Channel show

Summary: In this video, we’ll run through the interoperability between Autodesk Flame and FilmLight Baselight. So through the use of Flame’s Pybox architecture and the FilmLight BLG plug-in, you’re able to load the grade information from Baselight directly into any edits and composites in Flame. So regardless of their complexity you can load Baselight grades into Flame, see everything in the context of the grade without rendering and even process the final results within Flame using the BLG plug-in. Only metadata is passed between the applications allowing you to work faster without constantly rendering. This workflow is currently only available for Flame on Linux as the BLG-Plug-in is currently not available on Mac OS X. The FilmLight BLG for Flame plug-in is available as a separate purchase from Filmlight and for more information, please contact FilmLight -