We Are Learners

Grace-Snellville - Teachings | gfc.tv show

Summary: Our biblical value for this Sunday is- “we are learners, hearing God’s word and doing what he says.” A Jewish man once asked me, “has anything actually changed in the world since Jesus?” What a tension filled question to consider when you see all the brokenness in our societies. Has anything changed since Jesus? <br> How we answer that question directly affects our life as learners of him. In answering that we’ll witness the unmatched influence and genius of Jesus. And then a question will be turned to us- “do you find yourself compelled by the genius of Jesus to the point of following him in every area of life?” I believe if we’re not compelled by Jesus as our brilliant teacher and Lord, then we won’t have the confidence to hear and do what he says. Come let your view of Jesus be expanded and thrown wide open to match how brilliant and worthy he truly is.<br> John Raymond<br><br> Pastor, Grace Athens<br> DOWNLOADS<br>