Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/18/18

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: On Friday’s Mark Levin show, we’re not doing enough to protect our kids, we need to harden our schools. There are certain things that need to be done as basic safety measures in our schools. There needs to be armed security personnel, not just one resource officer. When new schools are built they need to take safety into consideration. This won’t stop every situation, but it will help. Dan Patrick, Lieutenant Governor of Texas, calls in and explains that Texas allows teachers to be armed in schools but they leave it up to the parents and the individual school boards to decide. School board members better go off their butts and do something – they are in charge. Also, the Obama Administration used their power like none other in history to try and influence 2016 election. There are things President Trump needs to do as soon as Robert Mueller turns in his report to Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein. Trump should appoint a special counsel to investigate the interference in the election by the CIA, FBI, and the Obama administration’s top intelligence officials. Trump should also appoint a commission to reform the government to prevent this from happening to any future president of the United States. Finally, UN Human Rights Council voted to send war crimes investigators to probe the shootings of Gaza protesters by Israeli forces. The UN is such an anti-Semitic operation, they take the side of terrorists and it’s appalling we subsidize them with our money. We ought to get out of UN and start one of free and democratic countries.