Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/14/18

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, The Inspector general report on the Hillary email investigation is out, and President Trump looks great as a result. James Comey was corrupt in the sense of objectivity and duty, and he’s been exposed by the IG report. Comey usurped the authority of Attorney General Susan Rice by deciding to not indict Hillary. The IG report shows Comey used his personal email for FBI business, so no wonder he was so soft on Hillary. Obama is ultimately responsible for all of it; he failed to stop both election interference by Russia and his own Federal government, and it didn’t bother him in the least. If Hillary Clinton won the 2016 election, we wouldn’t have learned about any of this and that is frightening. Also, the acting Attorney General of New York sued President Trump, his children, and his foundation for illegal conduct by the Trump Foundation that directly aided the Trump Campaign. The Justice system has become the plaything of the left, a political operation that abuses the rule of law, which is the definition of tyranny. Later, when an illegal alien is caught at the border with a child, the child is temporarily separated from the parent while their lawlessness is addressed. This was an Obama-era policy that continued under Trump, so why is it an issue now? The left would rather allow every illegal alien with a child into the country rather than protect our borders.