Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/29/18

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: On Friday's Mark Levin Show, as the 4th of the July drawers closer we take a look at the article V Convention of States to prevent the instrumentalities of the federal government like the Supreme Court from reshaping the Constitution. The federal government is a creation of the states and hence the states should have control, not a countercultural ideology that opposes the founders' intent in our Constitution. Then, we step back and look at the state of our government today and how it has become completely unmoored from the people through its massive size, taxes and issues with the separation of powers. What’s happened here is that a poison has been let loose into the body politic a poison known as collectivism or statism. Hegelism and Marxism have evolved today into progressivism and it completely and utterly rejects Americanism as our Founders intended. Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer and others might not recognize that their thinking is Hegelian, but Bernie Sanders knows. Our Founding Fathers reject everything with the philosophy that is progressivism, this movement seeks to alter the history of the Founding. Today’s progressives look to radicals like Karl Marx and Georg Hegel for their ideological guidance. This is one of the reasons Bernie Sanders will not debate Mark on any of his media platforms because Mark knows what he knows. He knows what Mark knows. If they sat down for a discussion Mark would thoroughly and completely expose him.