Episode 23- Lee Camp with Christina Tobin

Free & Equal Network Podcast with Christina Tobin show

Summary: On December 10, 2013, Christina Tobin interviewed Lee Camp, writer & comedian-turned-activist whose twice weekly webseries “Moment of Clarity” has a massive YouTube following. Infamous for having called Fox News a “Parade of Propaganda” while appearing as a guest on the network, Camp talks to Christina about the need to say what you really think about political issues. They discuss how the old rule of etiquette to avoid political issues and controversial topics is in itself an equally political stance defending the status quo. According to Camp, “We’re in dire times. We’re in the middle of something very serious going on in this world.” Camp describes his various “rants” on the NSA, “the largest surveillance infrastructure created in history,” the NDAA, third party candidates being arrested for trying to attend debates, and how he once got Chris Hedges to smile.