Episode 27- A-Alikes with Christina Tobin

Free & Equal Network Podcast with Christina Tobin show

Summary: Ness and Karaam of A-Alikes, who will be appearing at Free & Equal's United We Stand Festival May 10th at UCLA, talk with Christina Tobin about how they met up in college in Florida and moved to NYC in the nineties to join the hip-hop scene there. They talk about the respect that have for Chuck D of Public Enemy and how important hip-hop has been for black communities. They explain that their popular song "No Savior" is a warning against thinking Obama's getting elected is going to save black communities because, as they say, "You have to save yourself." Their music is all about "the people over the dollar." A-Alikes' new EP is "Us Against Them" and the latest single "They Watching" is about the surveillance state and plays on Rockwell's 1984 hit, "Somebody's Watching Me." Go to aalikes.net check out their music. www.UnitedWeStandFest.com This interview took place on March 3, 2014.