Episode 30- J Brave (Luminaries) with Christina Tobin

Free & Equal Network Podcast with Christina Tobin show

Summary: Christina Tobin talks with J Brave of the Luminaries, a hip hop group who will be performing at the United We Stand Festival at UCLA on May 10th. J Brave talks about working as a counselor for homeless youth in the Los Angeles area for eight years and how an opportunity to perform at a South Central community farm festival led to the formation of the Luminaries. Their socially conscious music promotes hemp farming, green energy, and many other causes important to Free and Equal supporters. The Luminaries have played at numerous festivals dedicated to peace and unity. J Brave talks with Christina about traveling all over the world, from the Far East to the Mid East, playing festivals and youth centers. J Brave reflects on how on the one hand there are a lot of positive actions going on, from the organic farming to going off the grid, people organizing through the Internet, with “the spectrum of love and life expanding.” On the other hand, there are a lot of negatives that the people have to overcome, but we have a lot of love “to help us get back home.” The group’s name “Luminaries” means a body or conduit that gives light or is an inspiration to others. Check out their official website luminariesmusic.com and look for their new album soon.