TKAM #866 naming Names #AirOutWednesday

TK in the AM: show

Summary: 7.18.18 The world just won’t give it a rest, so neither will we. It’s Wednesday, we’re ready for this. We get all the turned energy out today so we can have room for affirmations on Friday. That’s how it all goes here. #AirOutWednesday TK and Conscious start out the show ready to air things out. TK airs out her dog for leaving tiny “gifts” in her room. People get aired out over the weather. Summer is SUPPOSED to be hot! In #NewsYouCanUse: There’s a beer made out of a model’s vaginal yeast. Albinos in Malawi are under threat in their country due to ritualistic hunting. Nuns in Mother Teresa’s Order are under investigation for human trafficking. Queen Elizabeth wore a brooch that Obama gifted her when meeting with 45. New York managed to pull a successful restraining order against ICE. Following #ChatroomCheckIn, TK and Conscious go deep into some air outs. Conscious airs out One RPM for mishandling his music and art. TK airs out WBAI for hiring someone under investigation for sexual harassment at WNYC. Yes, don’t get us started. We’re mad, and we got the airwaves to air it out. #AirOutWednesday @TKinTheAM is live every M-W-F 10-1130am EST on and tunein app. Same day replays 7pm EST also available on Apple Podcasts, GooglePlay Music, mixcloud, and Spreaker! If you really like us, leave a review on Apple Podcast that’d be really cool.