*PHONE 강의* 아플때 T.T Episode 25

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Summary: 오늘의 강의는 아플 때 의학 표현들 Medical terms when you are sick 대해서 배우고 미국에 있는 약국에 전화해 오늘 배운 표현과 단어들 이용해서 현실적이게 배우겠습니다. Symptoms Sounds like It sounds like you have a fever. It sounds like you are angry. It sounds like you are in love with me. It seems 이렇게 보이다 생가되다. It seems like you have a fever. It seems like you are angry. Will ____ take care of all that? Will Alegra take care of all that? Will Alegra take care of my symptoms? Will Alegra take care of all my sickness? Same thing? Light headed vs Migraine I’m very sensitive to. I’m very sensitive to light. I’m very sensitive to light like a Dracula. Is it true that… 아니면 Is it true Is it true they are really well-off these days? I heard they are really well-off these days. Is it true that you guys have the cheapest medicine? I heard you guys have the cheapest medicine. Is that true? 끝에 자연스럽게 넣을수 있습니다. It’s to the point 이정도 입니다. It’s to the point I will do anything for food. I am very sick. It’s to the point nobody believes me. 여기서 말 끝나기 좀 이상하죠? I haven’t been sick in a long time My family thinks I’m faking it. Stop being a cry baby. Stop being a fusspot. Stop pretending. Stop exaggerating your pain. 이라고도 많이 이용합니다. Checked out Check out Have the doctors check you out. Girls/Boys Women/Men I saw you checking her out. He so checked you out. Did you check her out? What is that about? Dried out Dried-up Cause it to. My carelessness caused the car accident. Speeding causes accidents 고속 운전은 사고의 원인이다. I have a runny nose. My nose is stuffy Blow my nose. Give me a tissue. Why? I need to blow my nose. I got a nose bleed. Give me more tissues? Why? My nose is bleeding! What is your problem? Stop asking me stupid questions! Drainage I think there’s food stuck in the drainage. Catch a cold. Caught a cold. Caught a flu. I’m coming down from the cold. I’m coming down from the flu. Under the weather. I am feeling under the weather today. Lost my voice Hoarse I shouted until I was hoarse. Why is your voice so hoarse? Sore throat