The BigFoot Live Radio Show-41 30 May 2007

BigFoot Live  show

Summary: A TWO HOUR SPECIAL BCST - TOM BISCARDI - IS BACK !! SIXTEEN SPECIAL GUESTS - TOM BISCARDI AND SFB TEAM GIVE RIDE ON THE BIGFOOT EXPRESS MAY EXPEDITION. SPECIAL GUEST LINE UP: 1. Lenny & Stacy Faytus - Lima Marsh Monster/Beast of Bray Road. 2. Steve Kruger - Holy Hill Creature. 3. Don Sherman & Thelberta Lussier - The RedLake Reservation Encounters. 4. Ray Vallely, Experienced 72 Hours of pure Bigfoot Bliss in Two States. 5. Jan Thompson, Land Between the Lakes - Writer and Researcher. 6. Steven Dismore, Personal Encounter at Land Between the Lakes. 7. Beth Zaccari, Strange Vocal Encounters over Memerorial Weekend While Camping in Chatanooga National Forest,TN. 8. Scott Marlowe of Pangia Institute & Florida Keys Community College(Cryptozoologist & Paleontologist ). 9. Bruce Schildt, Activity in Montana. 10. Sgt. Major Richard O'Neill, New Mexico Encounters and Theory. 11. Father Ray Mahlmann, Biblical Point of View on Bigfoot. 12. Charlene Henry - Recent Photo's of Footprints Oregon. TUNE IN AND LISTEN - THIS SHOW WILL ASTOUND YOU!