The Make Out Room Vol 2 with DJ Cool Carla

The Chill Out Sessions with DJ Cool Carla show

Summary: Music from Kluster, Alpha, Luminous, Martini Lizards, Deepak Chopra, Randy Crawford, Joy of Living, Dido, Manuel Franjo, Bliss, Danni Minogue, Trinah. Download The Make Out Room Vol 2 for your iPod, iTouch, iPhone, iTunes, iPad, mp3 player, tablet, laptop, computer etc. Download this episode at: We are also available on iTunes. Just search The Chill Out Sessions. Subscribe and get automatic download of the latest mixes. Visit our official Podcast page at Visit our BlogSpot Podcast page at The Chill Out Sessions is also available at http:/ Join my Facebook Fan Page at: Follow me on Twitter at: Join me at Google + Search DJ COOL CARLA For complete listing of songs, please go to our Facebook page. Enjoy and Chill with me, DJ Cool Carla