Ep.003 One SmartBIM Library

Revit Pro show

Summary: Also on iTunes Here are a couple of screen caps & a Video that show Smart BIM Library’s UI.  The tabs include Catalogs, Properties, Search, Guidelines, Drop Pad,  Thumbnails, Attachments, & DWF Viewer. Thumbnail View in Search / Drag & Drop Into Revit Publishing a Catalog from your own content to be added to SmartBIM Library. There is a 30 day trial on their website if you would like to try out the tools. You can also go to Smart BIM’s website and calculate your ROI to determine if the program is a cost effective purchase. Here is a list of Smart BIM’s current pricing options as of this post date.  After a second look, I think that the price structure is justified for the amount of content that you have access to.  At $500 dollars for a single license (After the first year the price is less.) I think this tool would be useful in even a one or two person office. Thoughts?  Like it? Hate it?  Leave a comment and let us know.