96: Smoke the Toad

In A Perfect World show

Summary: Join experiential journalist Rak Razam and Dr. Octavio Rettig, a Mexican doctor who works with the sacred medicine 5-MeO-DMT found in the Sonoran Desert Toad, the Bufo Alvarius. Rettig has worked with the Seri Tribe of Sonora, Mexico, to help treat methamphetamine addicts, reintroducing the use of the medicine to the local culture that had lost it. He has learned the ancient songs and rites of the Seri, apprenticing to 'Don Pancho', an elder shaman, has been authorised by the council of Seri elders to use this most powerful of shamanic medicines in the West. What is the connection of the Bufo toad to the local environment of Sonora, and why do the toads have the most powerful natural psychoactive in their glands? Why did previous Mesoamerican cultures worship the toad and what shamanic realms does it reveal? How can this medicine be used to initiate people on a spiritual path? What are the dangers? Why is 5-MeO-DMT so powerful, and what exactly does it do? Dr. Rettig's book The Toad of Dawn is forthcoming from Divine Arts. For more info: Octavio Rettig contact page.Subscribe to RakRazam.com and support the emergence of new paradigm media. And if you want to experience an authentic and integral ayahuasca retreat in Peru, join author Rak Razam in Peru on an ongoing series of intensive ayahuasca retreats with curandero Percy Garcia http://www.aya-awakenings.com/retreats SUPPORTING ARTISTS SEED THE FUTURE IS VERY SEXY. IF YOU LIKE WHAT YOU HEAR, HOW IT MAKES YOU THINK, WHO IT MAKES YOU FEEL, THEN DONATE RIGHT HERE, BUSTER! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.