106: Breaking Open the Heart

In A Perfect World show

Summary: Daniel Pinchbeck, author of Breaking Open the Head and the forthcoming book, How Soon is Now, talks with Rak Razam about planetary crisis and evolutionary pressure. As we face a multitude of social, economic and political challenges, can we utilize the revolutionary energy of these times to transform our very way of being? If consciousness is the key, how do we entrain our consciousness to come into a Gaian, planetary groove? Is the shamanic revival helping nurture this consciousness, even as sacred plants become hip and commodified? Are we humans on the cusp of realizing we are a super organism in a symbiotic relationship with the earth as a whole system? Are corporations an organ of that being and can we reclaim them and other cultural extensions to bring culture back into balance with nature? Is the planetary crisis our species initiation, and does it need us to break open our hearts, as well as our heads to survive? A thought provoking discussion with two leading minds of the New Paradigm. Support the emergence of new paradigm media by contributing to: https://www.patreon.com/rakrazam This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.